
The ice had cleared by the next morning, so we made another attempt. We had a successful hand-off and Robert thoroughly enjoyed himself on his first solo trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. He got to sleep in the new bunkbeds they just got, he went to a bouncy house, and, well, here’s what he did in his own words: “I got to eat two jellos and they were fluffy. And one of them fell on the chair. The orange one. I made valentine’s. I played cowgirls and cowboys. On the way there I actually saw some animals. I went to McDonalds for some lunch. That’s all.” So there you have it. He was a perfect gentleman and went right to sleep each night without a fuss. He loved his one-on-one time with Grandma and Grandpa and wasn’t ready to come home. Didn’t miss us at all :)

We had planned on getting him back on Tuesday, but when Monday morning rolled around and I looked at the weather forecast, we were going to run into the same problem with ice during our planned child exchange time. So we decided they would drive here that afternoon and stay a couple of nights, waiting for the ice to melt before going back home. We just hung out here at the house, only venturing out long enough to have lunch with Clara at school on Tuesday. They left yesterday morning at the same time I headed to the vet with both dogs. But that deserves it’s own post.