Robert’s 8th Birthday

Because our camper was occupied, we weren’t able to take our Thanksgiving camping trip like we usually do. We went to Temple instead. Robert’s birthday was on Thanksgiving this year. He hates that his birthday falls around Thanksgiving, but being on the actual day is a real bummer. I went easy on myself this year and decided to do cupcakes with store bought tubes of icing. He wanted Ninjago cupcakes and they didn’t turn out half bad if I must say so myself.



We paused the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade long enough for him to open his gifts. He got several Ninjago lego sets and a Beast Quest boxed set of books. He was obsessed with these books for about a year. There are probably 150 in the series and I’m pretty sure he read and re-read over half of them. For months we scoured the library and used book store shelves on our own quest to find every last book. This series is what really sparked a love of reading in him.


We bought this cute little mini pinata for him for a special touch on his birthday. He’d never had a pinata before.



I ended up not feeling well that afternoon, so Chris was a good daddy and took the kids to the arcade while the rest of us took it easy. We played several games of Ticket to Ride that week and just hung out.

Halloween 2017


Trevy-Ann and Malana had never carved a pumpkin, so obviously we had to carve a pumpkin. Robert insisted that a reluctant Trevy-Ann stick her hands inside the pumpkin.


I’m pretty sure there was some disagreement about how the jack-o-lantern should be carved, but in the end Jack Skellington won out.



Halloween night was a drizzly, soggy mess, so I didn’t get very good pictures. We pulled out the umbrellas and went around to a few houses in the neighborhood. The kids didn’t last very long before they were ready to call it a night and come back to the house to gorge on candy. I had hoped to get them back in their costumes the next day to get some good pics, but they did not comply with my request. Robert was the Kai from Ninjago.





This was during Clara’s owl phase, so I made her this snowy owl costume and did her makeup. Malana was Moana. Robert stripped out of his costume before I got a group photo of them all.





We spent Thanksgiving at Martin Dies Jr. State Park. We left on Wednesday, which also happened to be a certain someone’s birthday. It was kind of a bummer traveling on his birthday, but he got to open his present from Bia and Pawpaw before we left home, which gave him plenty of reading material for the trip, and then he got his gift from Grandpa and Grandma when we got to the park. They gave him a car that has pieces you can switch out with other cars and he loves it and is asking Santa for more of them.


We had our normal Thanksgiving fare– ham, green bean casserole, pasta salad and pumpkin pie. The weather was gorgeous all weekend, so we were able to sit outside and not freeze our behinds off like we did a few years ago.



Two British families that are living in Houston now were camped across from us and had put their canoe in by our campsite. They were very generous and offered to let us take their canoe out. That was my first canoe experience and it was just a little nerve-wracking for both me and the kids. It felt like we were going to tip the whole time and apparently I can’t steer a canoe. So we didn’t last real long out on the water. You can tell the kids were having a blast.



We went on a short hike on a small island trail afterwards. We tried to find a letterbox but the directions weren’t real clear so we left empty-handed.




We tried one more and weren’t able to find some of the landmarks at first but kept on and eventually I spotted a tree that looked like it might be it and sure enough it was! It was very exciting to finally find one. It had been four years since the last stamp in our book.



We needed to run into town for gas and a couple of groceries. Not thinking, we ended up at Wal-Mart. An hour before black friday deals started. There were several police outside already and it took us a minute to figure out what was going on. They had aisles roped off only allowing one entrance to the registers and there were lines of people all the way down the main aisles towards the back. Groups of people were just standing in the grocery aisles waiting. Oh my goodness, I could not get out of there fast enough. I don’t get it. It felt rude and wrong to be there just to get a few groceries. I felt so bad for what was about to be unleashed on the Wal-Mart employees :(

It was nice to get back out to camp and to this quiet, peaceful view.




Dan and Linda stayed at a nearby hotel and left to head back home on Friday. We stayed until Saturday. On Friday we took the kids on another trail that was supposed to have three letterboxes. I thought for sure we’d find at least one. Nope. No luck. And two of them we know we were looking in the right spot. They just were not there anymore :( Robert’s pretty much done with letterboxing. He can’t take the disappointment. Ha!

Anytime we weren’t hunting for letterboxes or eating, our two were playing with their new British friends, Louie, Ava, Florence and Martha. When they first started playing, Robert said, “She sounds like Lucy” (from the Narnia movies ). The girls loved Clara. One of the girls wanted to play with Clara one morning but we hadn’t come out yet. She had been told she had to wait until we came out and she couldn’t knock. I guess she paced back and forth and eventually sat on our camper steps waiting for Clara to emerge and we didn’t even know she was out there. After a couple of days playing, Robert came into the camper and said, “Mummy, here’s a flower for you. Isn’t it lovely?” in a pretty darn good British accent. It was pretty cute but I made sure he knew not to talk like that around the kids because they might think he was making fun of them. My favorite was hearing the four year old talk about her “head torch”, or headlamp.

We snapped a pic right before we left and before the girls were out of their pjs. Ava was not at all interested in joining the group picture.





We were ready to roll by 9:05. The Brits were highly impressed. That’s the earliest we’ve ever been packed up and ready to leave. Robert had a classmate’s birthday party to attend at 12:30 at Chuck E Cheese. He’s only had one birthday invite from a friend in the past year and had to miss it when he threw up at school the morning of in October, so by golly, I was bound and determined to get him to this party no matter how inconvenient! And if we hadn’t had to wait 30 minutes in line at the dump station, we would have even made it to the party right on time. I would have loved to ease back into reality, but alas, a 7 foot mouse, arcade games and screaming children beckoned us. And they beckon us still; he’s invited back to Chuck’s place Sunday for his friend Javier’s birthday. Sigh.



Happy Halloween

Clara wanted to go as Athena for Halloween this year. She’s been very interested in Greek mythology lately after reading the Percy Jackson series, but I was still a little surprised by her choice of costume. When she informed me that Athena, who is the goddess of war and wisdom, has an owl as one of her symbols, it all made sense. So if you’re like me and know next to nothing about Greek mythology, that’s a gorgon on Athena’s shield. Medusa to be exact. I had planned on making a helmet for her as well, but that proved to be difficult when I waited ’til the last minute. She also thought it would be cool to figure out a way for her costume to depict Athena’s birth, which would mean her bursting out of a Zeus head using an axe. Ummmm…..yeah……


Who is this teenager and where did my little girl go? It is so weird to see her without her glasses on.




Ok, she’s back. Whew!


And how cute is my little Gilligan?



They both loved their costumes. Anyone over 40 knew who Robert was. I think the life preserver helped. We went to Smash Burger before trick-or-treating and he didn’t have it with him. The guy behind the counter asked if he was a fisherman.




A few minutes after their photo session, Robert dropped his foam life preserver and it broke before he got his picture with The Skipper. We glued it and left it to dry while we went to dinner.




It wasn’t dry when we got back but I found some packing tape and it was good to go.





Our neighbors were getting ready to go out with their almost 2 year old and some friends the same time we were. They’re Chinese and they were so funny. Our neighbors and their friends were directing the kids and snapping pictures like crazy. Clara and Robert were a little taken aback by all the attention. The grandmother doesn’t speak English but she loves Clara and Robert and was trying to get their picture, a picture of them with Laura and she wanted a picture of herself with Clara and Robert. She seemed to be enjoying herself immensely :) It was kinda chaotic as I was trying to translate to the kids what she wanted, so I didn’t get any pics. We walked with them most of the time. I asked Deanna, Laura’s mom, if she knew who Robert and Chris were. I then had to explain what Gilligan’s Island was :) Then we ran into Clara’s friend Lauren and her family and ended up going around the neighborhood with them too. The kids had a blast; it’s so much more fun trick-or-treating with friends.


Happy Halloween!



I’ve really been slacking this month. No pumpkin patch, no fall festival, no caramel apples, nothing. I finally bought a pumpkin a few days ago and the kids have been begging to carve it. I relented this afternoon, after I took a nap on this rainy, overcast day. I couldn’t put it off any longer. Clara carved the pumpkin all by herself this year. The innards were making her itchy, so she fashioned some gloves out of sandwich bags and got back to work. Robert wanted nothing to do with the slimy insides.





I also finished sewing her bat wings on this morning. She’s a rainbow bat. Rainbow because of the laces on her boots. She wanted neon ribbons to match her shoes but I couldn’t find any thin ribbon to add to her tutu. This grosgrain ribbon was too wide and I tried to convince her to do without, but she insisted and added it herself. It’s kinda random, but she loved her costume. Robert could not decide on a costume, so we took a trip to the Halloween store. He spied the ninja section and it was all over. No more indecision.




It was my idea to have her tape her nose. I’m kind of surprised she did it. Tee hee :)





We kept losing the ninja because he blended in to his surroundings so well.





Lost him again at dinner. Do you see him?




We stopped by our old neighbor’s house to say hi, but they weren’t home :( So we came back to our neighborhood and the kids went around with our neighbor Barrett. He was a pro and said “trick or treat”, remembered to say “thank you” each time and even “you’re welcome” a time or two.


After about a dozen houses, Robert was ready to go home. He didn’t even want to stop at homes on the route back. You’d think after looking forward to something for weeks, he’d be able to make it longer than twenty minutes. We chatted with the neighbors for a few minutes and then went back home. They went straight upstairs to watch “The Nightmare Before Christmas” while sorting their candy. I overheard Clara saying, “Here’s the peanut candy I can’t have. Here’s the sweet candy you suck on. Here’s the chocolate. Here’s the Chinese candy.” :)


Martin Dies, Jr. State Park

We just got back from camping this afternoon. We went to Martin Dies Jr. State Park near Jasper. This park is huge and was super crowded. There were numerous scouting troops there this weekend. Chris just happened to discover that one of his old co-workers from the corporate office would be there with his grandson and his cub scout troop, so we made plans for them to come over for dinner that first night. Sure enough, they were less than 10 spots down from us so they came and had hotdogs around the campfire.

The next day we put the boat in the water. Chris found an access point where he could slip it in relatively easily right across from our campsite. The water was pretty swampy in that spot so we decided he would paddle over to the canoe launch where I would drive and we could get in without getting wet. We brought Max with us this time and he was doing really well so we decided to try putting him on the kayak. We figured if he was freaked out I would just take him back to camp and Chris would take the kids out. As we waited for Chris to come around, a park ranger saw us by the launch and got out of his truck. He wanted to meet Max and said he had a corgi too. He suggested that we may not want to take him on the kayak because of the gators. The hair trailing off of him would  bring the gators right to us. He said he would probably be ok in a canoe, but wouldn’t do a kayak. Yep, that’s all I needed to know.



So Max and I headed back to the campsite to wait on the others. Chris didn’t take his cell so I wasn’t quite sure what the pick up plan was. I didn’t know if he was going to come back to the launch or to the spot by our campsite where he put in. After they had been gone a while, I walked around to see if I could spot them. Sure enough, I saw a sail way out from the shore. They were sailing along the highway and Chris said they got several honks from passersby :) Chris’ friend had offered to keep an eye on Max for us that day if we needed him to, so I walked Max over to their campsite. We weren’t sure how Max was going to do this camping trip because it’s been a year since his last one and he’s really slowed down these past few months. He doesn’t even like to to cross the street anymore and gets really anxious if we try to make him. So what should have been a few minute walk took us about 20. And Max hitched a ride in my arms for a bit as well.

He did really well with Frank though and didn’t seem bothered at all when I left him. He just laid down at his feet and fell asleep. I headed back to the launch to see if Chris and the kids had made it back there yet, but didn’t see them yet, so I drove back and chatted with Frank while Max slept by my feet. At one point I saw their sail go past and I ran over to the water to try and get their attention. They were going pretty fast though and couldn’t hear me. A while later they got to the launch and borrowed a phone to call me to come get them. The launch was only about a half mile from the campsite, so Chris decided to try and tow it back to the site. He strapped the front to tow hooks inside the Land Rover and then rode back there keeping an eye on it. I took it real slow and it worked great. Getting it to and from the campsite has been our biggest dilemma, so Chris is going to fashion something to make it a bit more secure in the future.


We just hung out at the campsite that afternoon and Chris started some chili cooking in the dutch oven. On my way back from a bathroom run, I noticed the pretty sunset reflecting off the lake and hurried the kids over to the water’s edge. I was a few minutes too late to get a good picture, but these weren’t too bad. I love Robert’s random camping outfit. A dirty, food smeared face, Mario shirt, dinosaur swimsuit and two different shoes. I found some old water shoes in the camper that I wanted him to try on. He ended up wearing it and his sandal all afternoon.




It got cold Saturday night. It was 49 when we woke the next morning. We just used our electric heater and it kept us nice and toasty all night. The next morning I took Clara on a short hike before we finished packing up. It was a beautiful clear morning and was starting to warm up nicely. I decided to leave Robert since the last time I took the two of them by myself he was a big toot who was uncooperative and threatened to go back by himself the entire time. I had intended on running a mile with Clara for her Read Deed Run club requirements, but went and forgot my tennis shoes at home. I only brought sandals, so those chilly mornings I had to resort to socks with my flip flops to and from the bathroom. Oh yes I did.

We crossed this bridge at the trail head over a really pretty, swampy spot and then looked out over a long, tall observation bridge.





This short .8 mile trail ran the perimeter of a small island and was a heavily wooded spot. Clara brought her binoculars but she couldn’t even see the birds we could hear because the vegetation was too thick. We didn’t see another person on the trail. I was really hoping an alligator didn’t sneak up on us so we made sure to make a little noise. I didn’t want to sneak up on one either.


I liked this park a lot. It has lots of hiking trails, lots of paddling trails and is very shady. The bathrooms were a little lacking and the dumpsters were not easily accessible. They were located outside the camping loops and you had to drive to throw your trash away. The park is cut in half by a highway and the other side looked to have a lot clearer water. Our side was very boggy. The other side also has a roped off swimming area. This one is definitely on our list of places to return.

Thanksgiving at Mother Neff State Park

We had our annual Thanksgiving camping trip at Mother Neff State Park this year. Mother Neff is the oldest state park in Texas. It’s also only a few minutes away from Dan, Linda and now Margaret, so it was a perfect spot for us. Jason and his dad also joined us this year. This was Robert sitting by the campfire on the first night. We got there mid-afternoon on Wednesday and the kids got right down to business making friends with the neighbors and playing until they crashed.



When we finally got settled into the camper and turned on the heat for the night, Clara decided that teeth brushing by the heater felt pretty nice.


The next day, we headed into town for a lovely Thanksgiving meal prepared entirely by Linda. Who just got staples in her head four days earlier. And who insisted that we keep to the plan instead of cooking up something or other over the fire. Dan came and got me and Clara a little early so we could help with preparations, but we weren’t much help since Linda had it all under control. We went and picked up Nanny from her apartment and then got back to the house a little before the boys showed up. We chatted and ate and were all quite thankful for all of Linda’s hard work.








The mornings were in the 30’s, so Zef got a nice warm spot to sit and wait for the sun to warm everything up.




We hiked one of the trails on Friday. It led to this cave that was used as shelter by the Native Americans. These trails were probably some of my favorite so far. There were plenty of trees and lots of elevation changes and things to go see to make things interesting.





We kept on the trail and went to the top of the rock tower.








The hike was a bit much for Max, so Jason and I took turns carrying him most of the way back to the car. He was very appreciative.

After lunch, Dan and Linda came out to the campsite and we had a party for the birthday boys and girl. As I handed JDog a Birthday Boy hat, he tried to turn it away thinking it was just a party hat. I informed him that all the birthday boys and girls had one. He was quite surprised to learn that he was also a guest of honor at the celebration. Hehehe, we got him good. That’s the second surprise party we’ve pulled off for him. The other one was easy though; it was four months early :) The kids both knew and I can’t believe they were able to keep it a secret from him.



I made a little scavenger hunt for the three of them and JDog got into the spirit and joined in the search for clues.





Here he is getting stuck on the last clue. Get it. Ha!



Then we played a little pin the tail on the donkey and opened presents. The kids got gifts from Grandma and Grandpa and JDog got a little something too. You like my centerpiece? The wind picked up so we took care of that with a little duct tape :)


I brought cupcake mix and had JDog bake them in the dutch oven. I forgot candles though, so they had to blow out pretend candles when we sung “Happy Birthday” to them.



Saturday was another pretty big day because we took off this mangled, rapidly disintegrating training wheel (and it’s partner).



And now we have a (mostly) official bike rider. He was doing pretty well out at the campsite, but he won’t ride on our street since it’s slanted. We’re going to have to take him to practice in a parking lot so we can get back to riding with Clara to school. I don’t want him riding to school until he’s comfortable starting and stopping.



I took the kids on another hike on Saturday, this time to the Wash Pond and then they played on the playground. Chris tripped over Max’s leash the first night and fell hard on his knee, so it was hurting him most of the weekend. The scar where his stitches were broke open and started bleeding :( It’s doing better now thank goodness.



Chris and JDog got busy with their cornbread war. Chris loves sweet cornbread and likes to combine one box of Jiffy cornbread mix and one box of Jiffy white cake mix. Well, they were out of Jiffy cake mix, so he picked up a regular brand and just eyeballed it when deciding how much to use. Yeah, we basically had corn flavored cake with our dinner :)





This park had a Junior Ranger program that the kids could participate in. They gave the kids a worksheet with all kinds of questions about the park, the nature within the park and it’s history. We had to go around and read all of the plaques and signs in the park to answer them. She had to sketch an animal, so she drew this caterpillar that Jason’s dad found and then picked up trash to help keep the park clean. As we checked out, we took the paper to park headquarters and they printed out a certificate for her (and Robert since he joined us everywhere but can’t write and really I just lost his paper) and had them raise their right hands and recite a pledge stating they would take care of nature and the park and would encourage their friends and family to do the same. Then they got a little Jr. Ranger pin. It was all very official. And very cute. And I didn’t have my camera on me. I figured they were just going to hand them a pin and say, “Good job.”

We got back home around 3:00 on Sunday. The kids wanted to put up the Christmas tree, so I’m a sucker and set it up and pulled out the boxes of decorations. Camping and Christmas collided in a perfect storm in my house that evening. It’s a week and a half later and I still don’t think the house has completely recovered.

Thankful For the Little Things

Robert had his school Thanksgiving feast on Thursday. All of the classes met in a large room and feasted together. The kids walked in single file with their class and most of them had on cute, handmade indian headdresses with their names on them or turkeys that they colored. Some had matching t-shirts that their teachers had monogrammed with their initials or one class had added beads to fringe on the bottoms of their brown shirts to look indian-like. Robert’s teachers went all out and ran to Hobby Lobby and got them matching foam turkey visors.



During their feast, they showed a slideshow of pictures from the year along with video clips of the older kids saying what they were thankful for. Almost every one said they were thankful for their mommy, daddy, family, grandparents, house, food, etc. Robert said, “I’m thankful for cars.” Proud mommy moment.



They each brought home a placemat to decorate with things they are thankful for. They could draw pictures, write words or use photos. All of the placemats at Robert’s table had tons of pictures or were filled with family names. I had him draw what he was thankful for. I got him all set up with crayons and I came back a few minutes later to his placemat filled with a big ‘ol picture of Lightning McQueen. It’s hard to see, but it has his number 95, blue eyes up top and a lightning bolt. I asked him if he wanted to had anything else….. like……maybe…..Mommy? Ooooor Daddy? Nope and nope. He said he was only thankful for cars. Oh boy. He’s gotten an earful from me about being thankful this week.




Happy Halloween

Chris, his dad and a couple other guys spent this past weekend in Austin at the Formula 1 races, so we invited Grandma to come spend Halloween weekend with us. She got here before noon on Friday, so we surprised Clara for lunch. Once Clara got home, we got busy carving our pumpkin. The kids couldn’t agree on a face and I wasn’t in the mood to carve more than one, so they compromised. One round eye, one triangle eye, Clara smile on the top and pointy teeth on the bottom.






Matching grins :)






Clara decided that Grandma needed a costume too, so she provided her with these Minnie Mouse ears for trick or treating. Our neighborhood was touch and go and we would pass six or seven houses in a row with their lights off before finally coming to a house to trick or treat at. At one house, there was a couple passing out candy in their driveway. Standing next to them was what looked like two grim reaper statues. As Clara inched near them, one of them moved toward her. She screamed and ran back to me at the sidewalk. We told her it was just a costume and she surprised me and walked back up for her candy. She kept a close eye on the other one though. Robert wanted nothing to do with that house.

They were timid and scared at any house with any decorations, no matter if they were scary or cutesy. I told them I wasn’t going to go up and ring doorbells for them, so we didn’t spend too long out and about. Their feet hurt and their candy was heavy and Clara’s jack-o-lantern finally broke and Robert just about wet himself at the back of the neighborhood and it was scary and the complaints went on and on. It wasn’t long before we had allllll had our fill of the festivities and headed home to check out their loot.







We ate candy and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas when we got home. We spent a lazy day at home on Saturday with Grandma and just played and watched t.v. And ate more candy of course :) She joined us for church and lunch on Sunday before heading home. She was ready to get away from their insanity by this point. So was I actually. I’m about to chunk the rest of the candy and start their detox because they’re driving me batty.